My birth story :) Long

I was due Jan 16th. I had my cervical exam on the 5th, my second to check dilation and such. I was over 38 weeks. I was only 1cm and not effaced, but my blood pressure was up. It had been up one other time and I had to keep an eye on it, but it wasn't a big deal. My OB asked me to hop over to triage to check everything out, but promised I would be done in time for my hair appointment. Lol. I knew it would be my last for a while. 
So I got to triage, literally walked down the hall to The women's and children's section. I got there, got all hooked up and they checked my blood pressure again and again and it didn't seem to be going down. We're talking like 135/88 to 155/79 to 135/ was weird. 
So my OB Came in and told me that they were gonna keep me and induce me and I should call my hair place and tell them I won't make it. 
When I got to my room in L&D I was still only 1 cm but I was having contractions that I couldn't feel, like 2 or 3 mins apart. And since I was only 1 cm they didn't want to do pitocin for fear I wouldn't dilate as fast as the contractions were coming. So after about 2 hours of waiting (an hour of which was them trying to get an IV in because I was so "puffy" as they called it) I finally got some meds inserted vaginally. I forget what it's called now, but it's supposed to help Thin the cervix. 4 hours later it didn't work, but I was starting to feel my contractions. They decided to wait to see what would happen and 2 hours later my water broke in my was a horrible contraction that then led to me leaking all over myself. 
I was then 3 cm dialated and starting to thin out a bit. I was put on pitocin and a pain Med and after about 4 hours I got my epidural. Epidural is not bad at all, it's the contractions that you have to control due in that are tough, but totally doable. 
My epidural wore off about 4 hours later, so they gave me more right in my back. Which wore off about 1.5 hours later but only on my left side at 17 hours of labor, 1 hour 10 mins of pushing with no epidural left my baby boy was born. Meet Byron Jude. Born 1/16/17, 11:53 am. Weighing 8lbs 9oz and 22 inches long. 10 days early :). 
There's lots of details I left out at basically every stage so if y'all have any questions don't be afraid to ask!