Evap during time frame??

My period is 3 days late as of today, I've tested a couple times over the past 2ish weeks and only gotten BFNs (except for one disappearing line that I believe was just dye running :( )
Well, just for the hell of it, I tested today with my FMU on a cheap early response test, I looked at it for about 1 min after using it & saw nothing, so set it on the counter.  About 45 mins later, I came back and saw a very faint but thick pink line (1st pic).  I knew it was invalid, so I held off peeing for about 3 & 1/2 hours & tested again (same ER type test) and saw this line within 3 minutes. I'm freaking out, super nervous and afraid to get my hopes up.  It's hard to tell in the pics but it definitely is pink in person.
I'm wondering if it's possible for an evap to 1) have color? and 2) show up within the time frame.  This brand says not to check after 10 minutes, and I know the logical thing would be to figure "hey, it showed up in 3 minutes & not after 10 so I'm fine" and not question it, but as anyone here knows... It's not always easy to be very logical with these type of things :). Thanks so much for any feedback guys!