What Should I Do?

I've been seeing this guy since September and I actually really like him a lot. I know this may sound crazy, but no matter how many times he vocalized how much he liked him I never believed him. I saw before I left to visit my family for Christmas and now he won't even answer my texts. We talked once while we were both on vacation and he told me that " he didn't know when he would be back in NY" (we both live in NY but from other places). He teaches so I know he can't stay away for extended periods of time and I've even fallen into our texting routine where I text every few days just randomly. Before he used to answer but now he doesn't. I can't stop thinking about him or what I've done and I'm trying not to wait on him to respond to me (I'm going out with friends and other guys), but now I feel so conflicted because I actually really do like him a lot. I'm just looking for some insight.