Almost 36w stressed out and having anxiety (long rant)

My house is a mess. I can't do a lot right now by myself. I'm 4'11" and I've got a watermelon on me. I can't see my feet or what's in the floor, I can't bend down to constantly pick up things especially when my 19mo keeps undoing what I've done. I get cramps easily and if not that I get these horrible back spasms that paralyze me and they come and go or are one after another for hours sometimes. Even just standing long periods of time like doing dishes hurts after a while. Husband works all night, sleeps all day. He really helped out and got the room ready. But now I'm to fend for myself on almost everything else. On his weekend he wants to sleep and do nothing which I get but that when I need help. I can't live another day in this colossal mess. My husband and my mom got into a fight after Christmas and he doesn't want her to visit and when the one time I did go to see her he complained about gas.. it's causing me a lot of stress and anxiety because I need help and also I'm a little dependent of people right now in my last 3ish weeks. And I invited her over because she offered to help. He'll be sleeping all day anyway so it's not like he will have to be up and seeing her.. idk. I'm scared he will just be mad. And I'm so freaking frustrated about the house and cleaning and now just getting anxiety about when the baby gets here. How am I gonna handle 2 under 2? Sorry for the rant. Just needed an outlet. Hope you all are handling everything better than me and are not stressing. Enjoy your pregnancies! I've got a lot to do before she gets here. Here is to hoping I get it done and with minimal drama! Haha.