What to do? HELP!

Okay ladies, I need some serious help. 
Last night I was out with my coworkers cause we had a staff party... We went bowling and near the end of the night my coworker and bestfriend went and gave one of the guys that worked there her number and told him to text her.. He ended up giving his number to his buddy so his buddy could text her and find out MY number from her.. she ended up giving him my number.. And now he's texting me and being completely sweet. My bestfriend is telling me to go for it and that she doesn't care cause there was no feelings there; that she just thought he was attractive ...
I just don't know what to do about it... I'm having more than the issue that he did that to my coworker but his age is also kinda stuck in my head.. 2 years apart.. I know not much but he's still in highschool and I've been out for a couple years, I honestly don't know where to go from here!!!