Depo side effects

I see teens and young ladies saying I just got off depo I cannot get pregnant.
Or asking questions and wondering this is my warning to teens and young adults..
to you this is a quick easy birth control one shot a month awesome right?
This side effects are crazy awful and if say you start at 21-23 and then find the one.. And you've been on it prolonged it will become hard to have children and you'll blame yourself..
Some of these things Drs will not 100% tell you they may tell u after u get off the shot it may take a month or three to become pregnant I'm sorry it will not only for a slight few yes you will have a child..
But it's not many..
Please read and think before this shot I feel so bad for so many women who want a child but can't due to this shot.
Thought I'd share it's great for no pregnancy a but sucks if you really wish to have children!