Need help!

Any moms who just delivered or have had many babies no judging!
I'm on the toilet I'm sorry tmi I'm in pain my son hasn't moved lately I'd say 2 hrs my lower tummy hurts up to navel and it's like painful pressure I'm needing to go #2 and its reaching around my back a bit I'm rocking and in pain on a scale of 1-10 I'm at a 5.5 and just pushing and a lot of anal and some front pressure I'm 31 weeks 4 days..
I am so confused why? I have IBS and I cannot tell contractions between that apart..
I've really never had contractions my first born was a c section I was doped up on meds due to high BP and a headache a god awful one any advice would help..
I'm not going #2 as in like diarrhea it's just well pain and a pushing feeling.. Smh I'm sorry if it's tmi I'm just hurting a bit.. It keeps doing his every so often.. And won't stop..