Advice needed please :)

I stopped taking bc at my last period in November. Took an OPK in December and did the dirty dance with the hubby on my most fertile day. My period was due on the 29th of December, I'm late... Very late... I haven't taken a test since the week of the 29th. They all came back negative. But since then I have had egg white cm and a good amount of it. I also think my Areolas have a slightly changed. And I have gained five lbs. here's the kicker I have PCOS and this past November when I stopped taking the pill has been the first time in over two year that I haven't been on it. I called my doctor and the earliest they could see me was next week. They figured that since I have PCOS it's just this acting up again.. A part of me is tempted to just take a test, the other part of me is like why waste my time and money. I have slight cramping on and off through out the day as well and my cervix is high and soft.. Thoughts suggestions?