Why do I feel like this?!??

So Lately a lot of my friends have been having kids, and we are all teens. Four of my friends have had children and they age between 16 and 18 and for some reason now I really want a baby! I have always been good with kids and babies and my parents think that in the (far) future I will make a good mother. My boyfriend would be happy to have a child with me and such but I don't actually want to have a baby. It's confusing, it's like I want a child to care for and I want to experience giving birth but I want to continue my education studies and I know that I can always have a baby later in life when I want. But this jealousy of them having kids is making me want kids! Ugh. I'm just confused and need someone to explain to me if this is a logical feeling and need someone to snap me out of it. (And as a side note, I am annoyed at my bestie who most recently had a baby because she has known that I have had a perfect name for my first male born and then she stole it! And she knows she stole it because I asked her about it and she admitted to stealing it. Now she isn't talking to me and it's super annoying   I'm more pissed that she thinks I care that much than I am that she stole the name. I was just annoyed for a second and then she just won't talk to me as if I hate her for using a name. She can name her child whatever she wants, it's her job to name it. I was just annoyed that she took that name. But anyway. Back to the real issue at hand )