
Don't judge me, I just need a little help, I'm 19 and found out I'm almost 7 weeks pregnant. I've never ever thought about abortion until recently.. My parents don't support me having a child at 19 because I'm suppose to be starting college this September. They said I have 2 weeks to decide what I want to do, if I keep it they want me to move out. Now I basically already live at my boyfriends mom just most of my stuff is at my parents and its a little more convient that my work is right down the street from there house. I don't drive at the moment due to some personal reasons but my bf was saying that we'd move out around may/June, which is kinda cutting it short of the due date.. Now I'm only part time, and I only have my phone bill to pay as of now. But I'm really scared and I don't know what to do, I really don't want to put off another year of school, I'm worried that because I'm part time and I'll have to take time off work to care for my baby until he or she is able to go to daycare how am I going to pay for things? I've never wanted to struggle in life and I'm not a person that will go on welfare. I'm really confused and have no idea what to do! I feel like my mind is in 100 different places and I feel like everyone surrounding me is making up my desicions for me.. Plus it makes it a lot harder that my parents arent supportive, which hurts a lot.