Don't know what to think!!

So I was getting nauseous sitting on my computer the other day my period wasn't due til the next .. But I took a pregnancy test because my body was just.. Different! Like I almost felt numb and tingly like I was just getting feeling back from my hand falling asleep type numb. So I took an hpt with the last pee of the day. And I got this!! 
I've never seen a faint line before since my hubby and I have been trying. But we weren't getting our hopes up because they were so faint. I didn't track ovulation so I could have ovulated later than usual and I tested way early! But I'm nervous. I had to feed my craving (POASA) and I took an OPK and I got this.. 
That's positive for these tests cause I've never gotten anything darker even on the days I know I ovulated. I heard it's possible that these can detect pregnancy in a later stage too so is it possible this could be my 3rd positive? My hubby and I are getting more tests tomorrow night but I just had to see! 
These are my symptoms:
No period.
Boobs grew 1/2 cup size
My boobs are ITCHY!
My uterus feels "full"
I have that tingly/numb feeling
And all day nausea. 
Should I believe my tests? Or wait until I get a better brand?