FertilAid Pills

So I had a doctors appt to see what was going on in my body. I had missed my period by 3 weeks, I never go more than just a few days. After multiple negative test I thought maybe something was happening with my uterus but I needed to get checked out. My doctor told me it was common to not ovulate and that's probably what started my period late. So he gave me two options, take some over the counter fertility aid pills or be prescribed clomid. At the time being I didn't have the money to pay for a prescription pill so I decided to give the FertilAid I try. I'm on my first week of taking it and I can already feel the difference. I have so much more Energy and I can't wait to find out at the end of the month around the time my next period is due for a BFP! And even if I don't I'm hoping it will regulate my periods and lessen the pain in my cramps! I'll post any results after I finish this bottle!