Trying to Stay Hopeful.

Madeline • 24. Single mother. ✨
My husband and I have been TTC for 3 months. I never thought about getting pregnant as being a hard thing to do. We're both 21, young. We're both healthy. I'm very regular, never miss periods, I'm hardly ever late. The past two months, my periods have been crazy. Novemeber I was 8 days late. December I was 11 days late. This month I'm already 5 days late. And I get my hopes up every time and then about a week or so in they're crushed. Maybe there is a cause for all this irregularity? It's hard month after month waiting and wanting something so badly. Prayers to all the mothers and hopefuls out there struggling right now. My fingers are crossed and we're praying God gifts us with a little one when the time is right. ❤️✨