Early pregnancy signs they don't really mention

⚓❄Mary❄⚓ • 31, married almost 2 years (together almost 4years). Healing from loss at 39.5 weeks. Ttc #2, we have a beautiful 4 year old boy

Heart palpitations:

As the body produces more blood (which starts right after implantation) the heart has to adjust to keep up. This gives the feeling of the heart "skipping" beats. It isn't actually. This was my first sign at 3 weeks. Too early to test. My heart rate was very high during this time.

Diarrhea and soft stool:

Between 3 and 4 weeks I was going number two all the time! 4 or 5 times a day! From what I have read this is caused by the intestines and lower gut adjusting. Also the increase in progesterone plays a part in this.

Cold like symptoms:

Sinus infections, or head colds are very common. When implantation occurs the body releases hormones to deplete the immune system, which results in getting sick!! (another good reason to already be taking vitamins) the body is also creating more mucus in general. I started to get congested at almost 4 weeks. I know have a massive sinus infection. I don't remember this happening with my 3 year old. But it sure is now!

Period like cramping:

This one is the most frustrating and scary. At 4 weeks I started to have cramping. Very mild. The difference between this and af (for me) is that it wasn't constant. And usually one side or the other. This is the uterus stretching. Uncomfortable but as long as there is no spotting associated with it it is normal. My Dr said the only cause for concern would be if I was doubled over in pain or if I was bleeding with the cramping.

All women are different. These were the symptoms I noticed that I didn't know were coming and didn't read they would happen until I looked them up specifically! I hope all of you get your bfp and can't wait to hear about weird symptoms! Love you all!