Any thoughts would help.

Usually I google my questions but this has way too many variables. I was on the pill regularly, it gave me my period once a month. While on it I had unprotected sex with my fiancé a few times. About two months ago when I should have gotten my period I got light spotting that came and went in a day. This happened the next month as well. So I've gone two months without a full period. But when I googled that it said me being on the pill for so long can have caused that. So I went off my pill for the past few weeks to see if my period would go back to normal. And nothing. Now I have what I believe to be a yeast infection due to an increase amount of antibodocties I'm taking since I'm sick along with a mucus like discharge. I've taken 3 test all that came back negative but could I get pregnant? My period still has yet to come and I'm getting yeast infection and discharge easily. I'm worried it maybe an epotical pregnancy. Please any thought you could have i would love to read.