It looks like it'll be a sticky bean!

First of I wanted to say I love this group and I miss you girls and If you don't mind I'll like to keep in touch w/updates. 
I just wanted to share my little update, by the looks we might have a LITTLE STICKY BEAN in the oven! Just recieved my second betas and I think so far they seem normal (some website say they are high range others that they are low) so I'm going w/average.
-bhcg at 4w2d = 188
-bhcg at 4w5d = 911
According to the levels I could be further along that I thought or cells are dividing fast or none of the above. But regardless I'm happy to know that so far it seems that we are gettinga sticky one.. Thank God for working his wonders!! 
Love you all..
And tons of baby dust your way✨✨✨✨✨