Why'd he lie...

I'm 6 1/2months pregnant....today my husband posted a picture of his truck on Facebook and this chick I've never seen before commented 5 times in a matter of a minute about it...I asked who she was and he said he added her from some truck group because she sounded smart and he told his friend 'j' to add her and talk to her today.... 
I did my 'snooping' because she seemed way to interested and found that my husband has not even talked to 'J' today...and J and her are not friends and I found the post where she commented on and my husband thought she was 'truck smart' and all she was talking about is how mad girls get when they see her truck pulling up and see a chick driving....calling them truck sluts ect....while all her pictures are of her laying down making pornish faces and her boobs practically hanging out....sooo ladies of CC....why did he lie