Should city officials in Flint MI be prosecuted over lead contaminated water?

Flint's drinking water became contaminated with lead in 2014 after its supply source was switched from Lake Huron water provided by what was then the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department to the more polluted and corrosive Flint River.

The cost-cutting move resulted in a spike in lead levels in children. A recent preliminary report from a task force appointed by Snyder placed most of the blame on the state Department of Environmental Quality and prompted the Dec. 29 resignation of DEQ Director Dan Wyant.

Although the state assisted the city in moving its source of drinking water back to Lake Huron water supplied by Detroit in October, concerns about contamination remain because the river water damaged pipes and other infrastructure. A state health official told Flint residents on Thursday to either drink bottled water or use a filter that can remove lead. She also urged residents with children younger than 6 to immediately have their kids tested to determine the level of lead in their blood.