Midwife or OB? What did you do with your natural birth?

I currently am with an OB. I don't know who will be delivering my baby from the office, because it is whoever is on call. So every appointment, I meet with a different OB. All of whom I have really liked so far, so I'm okay with this. Anyway, I have finally decided wholeheartedly that I do not want an epidural, although I will be giving birth in a hospital. For those of you who have given birth naturally already, did you have an OB and did they support you in your birth plan? There are midwives in the same office I go to, so I could easily switch. I'm the first one in my family and my husbands who wants to do natural, so I have no support with this being new and lots of questions. I don't want anyone to push me to not go natural. What was your situation like? Would you suggest a midwife? Or was it the nurses who you mostly dealt with?