My happy baby girl Cali Rae 😍

Ashley • Due February 1st with my first baby, a girl 🎀
My baby is 2 days old. She was born 1/14/16 at 9:57am at 37w2d. We were having issues with her latching on but it's getting a lot better and I'm able to pump so much ! She had a little jaundice so she's under the UV lights in the nursery, but I take her to my room to feed her every 3hrs. Her billi levels are back down and she's coming back to our room later tonight and we're going home tomorrow !!! I'm so excited to start my life with my new family, my BF is in awe 😍 She's his twin & I think Caliyah is happy too 😁😁😁😁 life is great and I'm so blessed