Trouble using toilet after lap!

Hi I had my lap on Friday, and they removed endo from my ureters and everywhere else. While I was in hospital they had to do an in and out catheter (it's only in while you pee then they take it out) I had this quite a few times as I can't feel when I need to go. I was discharged but still can't really feel anything so not sure if I'm emptying my bladder properly. Sorry for tmi but I've only had 2 little pees today and I'm feeling a lot of pressure but I can't get rid of it. Has anyone else had this? Is it normal? Also did anyone else have problems with their heart rate after surgery? My pulse went to 46 and I don't know whether or not it needs checking out by the GP. Sorry for rambling, think I'm still a bit woozy from the anaesthetic!