So happy Felix Arthur Douglas Jackson is here

So happy Felix Arthur Douglas Jackson is here! He was born last night at the Austin Birth Center South. While I can't say that labor was magically easier or less painful, I can't say enough about giving birth in a birth center versus a hospital! Even my skeptical husband and mother were converted! My mom said, "I never had that kind of support when I was in labor." In the hospital, it was an emergency when my babies got caught on my pubic bone; at the birth center, the midwife just reached in and lifted my cervix over his little head and use her hand to move his shoulder from where it was caught on my pubic bone. In the hospital, a little blue or gray in the baby was cause for immediate cord clamping and resuscitation; in the birth center, he was immediately placed on my chest with his cord still pulsing, where he pinked up almost immediately. They left him and us alone to bond way more than expected and were so supportive!