He's finally here!

I know that all things happen for a reason and this past Wednesday reassured that. I was out running errands and going to my last prenatal appointment. On the way home I rear ended a lady we both were ok but I went to the hospital to get checked out. They strapped me to the machines and I was having contractions 6-11 minutes apart. I was closed at my appointment earlier that day the dr decided to check me and I was a 2. She thought hydration would stop my labor and I would have my csection Monday. They drew blood and hooked up the iv. She checked me an hour later and I was at a three. My platelets were low with my first and I had to go under general anesthesia for the csection and didn't see my baby til 2 hours later. I really wanted the skin to skin and to hear that first cry but knew there was a chance that my platelets could drop to low again. They got my platelets Back and I was just above the cutoff at 105. They decided to do the section since my platelets were dropping and I was progressing. I got to hear my baby's first cry and do skin to skin basically the whole time after birth. It was a fantastic experience and I know that had I not been in a fender bender I probably would have missed out on the whole birth experience again!