Feeling broken.

It took me 6 months to get pregnant and it was ectopic. That was 2010. Took them until I was 10 weeks to figure out what was wrong, and so I had to lose that tube. 5 years of waiting, and I finally lost hope. But then, last summer, I got pregnant again. I remember sitting in the car crying and laughing after hearing from the lab, almost in hysterics. A week later, in pain and bleeding, I found out it was ectopic again. 5 weeks along. I have never in my life been on such an emotional roller coaster as that week. Later in the summer my doctor did a lap. surgery to see what was up - cleared away a serious mess around my remaining tube and ovary. Then he told me that it was very likely that I'd be pregnant within 6 months. Well, this is month 6. Af due on Saturday, and I'm almost positive it didn't happen. I'm so tired of the monthly raised hopes and then that unbearable crash when it hasn't happened. I'm a wreck. I feel broken and crippled. I want to give up after this month and just not hope for it any more, but I know I still will. It took me so long to just resign myself to it during those 5 years of waiting, and now I feel like I have to train myself to do it all over again. I feel completely obsessed and it doesn't feel healthy. I just hurt emotionally ALL the time. No one else seems to understand.