BBT Tracking

I've started tracking My BBT every morning and am expected to ovulate soon. I know that you are supposed to have a higher temperatures right after ovulation. 
I had a series of lower temps. Then I had egg white CM and 2 higher temps but this morning it is low again.
I'm nervous that I may not have ovulated at all. Is anyone else tracking BBt and have some insight?
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Keep tracking. I've found that if I took my temp a little later than usual or if I woke up really hot then it affected my bbt and prob wasn't truly accurate. Are you using OPKs too? I used wondfo OPKs this month and it was pretty cool how my temp actually did rise the day after I got a positive LH surge on an OPK. Good luck!! 


Cherie • Jan 19, 2016
Thanks for the insight!!


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I agree with the other woman! Keep tracking.  It's all about the big picture, not one temp. Make sure you are doing it the same time every morning. I also wear the same kind of outfit to bed every night so my body temp stays the "same". Hoodie, sweats, and socks. When we switched our summer comforter to our winter one mid-cycle, my temps were all over the place. Help that helps.