my boyfriend vs me smoking

this has been a pretty heated convo for my boyfriend and I. before him and I met , I would smoke weed on the occasion of some extra stress or a girls night with my best friend. October of 2014 I decided I was over it and stopped smoking. March 2015 my boyfriend and I got together. it is now January 2016 and I wanna smoke again. not routinely or anything. just occasionally and when I feel like it but my boyfriend is so against it. he wants to avoid possible trouble, which I can understand. he thinks it will change my mentality, which I can see his point but I'm not that girl. he thinks people will look down on me, but who's gonna know? and then he told me that he's scared it will ruin our relationship. we are very very good together, minimal arguments and maximum love. I'm not sure what to do. opinions??? I will never go behind his back or lie. him and I are in this to grow, not cause issues.