Rant about confidence

Margaret • 🌺🌊🤙🏼
Ok so I want to talk about self confidence & how much I HATE it when girls attack other girls for loving themselves! I get there is a fine line between loving yourself & being narcissistic, but there is no need for the hate! Sometimes it's not easy for people to love themselves, even when they post pictures of themselves & say they are beautiful, for some girls it took them a long time to get there. I'm one of those girls. I suffered for years with self hate. I hated my body so much because I kept comparing myself to other girls. 
Where it all rooted from was middle school, I went to a small school where most girls didn't get their period until they were in 8th grade. I got mine in 6th. I still had baby fat & most girls only weighed 80-100 pounds. I was bullied for this. Even when I got to high school & lost most of my baby fat & more girls were normal size, I still felt like I wasn't good enough. So I started to starve myself for a year & a half. And it wasn't until a year ago that I realize how dumb I was being, that I was destroying my heathy body, & became aware how gorgeous I actually am! I started eating normal, & healthy, & except my beautiful healthy body. I love my thighs, my tummy, my everything. I wear a bikini, hell I'm a lifeguard in the summer! I live in bikinis. And I stopped comparing myself to others, b/c every one is perfect, & more than likely everyone has struggled with hating something about their body, so let them love themselves, & let yourself love you. So drop a photo of your beautiful selfs!