I guess it's just time for me to say bye to Brazilian wax

Hello all
So I've had two Brazilian waxes and To be honest, I'm over it. I just can't seem to catch a break. The first wax, I kept itching due to stubble. The only thing that helped was chilled coconut oil and aloe Vera. I would like to emphasize 5 o'clock shadow on day 3. The only true relief came when the hair grew in. The second wax was a tad rougher. I was super swollen and still dealt with stubble, this time starting on day 2. This will be a tad Tmi, but I ended up with a small tear in the crease  of the labia majora and clitoris and a an ingrown beer the bottom on the labia. Again, I don't blame the waxers, I guess it's just how my hair is. The last wax was 5.5wks ago and I'm still dealing with ingrowns. They're mainly  in area where the crease and hair come together. I tried to pull the hair out and ended up with a lovely little Sore. Before anyone asks, I'm still a Virgin, no stds or anything like that. I'm guessing I'm just not a candidate for waxing. Sorry this is so long, I'm just frustrated 😤😤