Ugh! Up forever at night.

Stacey • Baby Boy 12/5/2015; Baby Girl 6/6/2018, tiebreaker due October 2020
My LO is six weeks. He typically sleeps 4-5 hour stretches at night. Buttttttttt..... When he wakes up, it's a two hour process to get him back to sleep! I change him, feed him (he takes 15-25 minutes each side), burp, then rock him to sleep. Set him down in his crib, and it seems like no matter how asleep he was, he wakes up, and starts fussing. I'll try to burp him again and then rock him back to sleep, but inevitably end up feeding at least one more side and rocking him again...  Eventually it's two hours later and I'm hopefully crawling back in bed. Ugh!!!!