Infertility worries

Last week, I got a positive for gonorrhea. Yesterday, I was told I have pelvic inflammatory disease. They think the gonorrhea spreaded & got more infected, causing pid. I wasn't feeling well yesterday (bc of pid), so I tried to call in sick, but had to work a few hours. I wasn't planning to get the injection until Tues because that was the earliest I could go in (because I work mornings-afternoons, so by the time I get off, the injections clinic is closed).
After they diagnosed me, they gave me the injection & I have yet to take the 2 meds. I have received them, but when I got home from the doctor's, I was in so much pain that I had to lie down & nap.
Apparently gonorrhea & pid can cause you to become infertile. Maybe it's a dumb question, but is infertility forever? (I do want to have kids someday, so I'm getting a little worried)