Hey! Here's my story!

Jane • Alexis Agnes Jemma Flaws 💜🌏
I'm 19 twenty in August and in January last year me and my fiancé decided that I'd come of my birth control and ttc which surprisingly happened very quickly I found out at 1-2 weeks which I expected to be so excited but in reality the shock hits you and excitement comes after so me and my fiancé decided to book a viability scan which I could have at 6 weeks we went to which you could only see the amniotic sac in so they told us to come back two weeks later which was fine but I started to get spotting and cramping which when I phoned the hospital they said it was just delayed implantation bleeding so my mind was settled for a short time until we went out one day shopping and I ended up feeling as if the spotting was getting heavier which it was so the next day the early pregnancy unit at my local maternity hospital asked me to come in for an other scan which was probably only a week later and to our amazement out little tiny baby was there fine and healthy and we saw its little heart beating away on the ultrasound screen we were so happy and were reassured again so now that we had seen the baby was healthy and the heart beat was there we went and started paying for our pram! Then two days later (sat 24th may 2015) our whole world came crashing down as I started bleeding heavily and was taking straight into hospital where they struggled to get bloods from me and was told that they could tell me for sure whither I had lost our tiny baby until the Monday so I stayed in hospital over night when the midwife on that Sunday came in she told us that there was 50/50 chance that we had lost the baby and to prepare ourselves for the worst and hope for the best you automatically go into denial it's heart breaking. So we went for the scan on the Monday and were told that we had lost our tiny little baby  after having a healthy scan and seeing our baby's little heart beating away the previous Thursday. My heart sunk to my stomach we were taken to a private room and then seen by the midwife when she told us that I had a negative blood group and should have been given an antiD injection to stop my partner positive blood group being a problem with the baby they said my go should have done this when I phoned up bit instead they told me that I didn't need to have bloods done and was just to wait till I was 8 weeks to see the midwife! Which made me so mad as I asked to have bloods done and they said no! I could of had my tiny baby in my arms today it would have been 13 days old today as I was due in January 6th 2016! There's two dates will always be in my heart May 24th 15 and Jan 6th 16 as the first was the day my baby died and second as this would have been my baby's birthday! Will never forget my angel baby she/ he was just to beautiful for earth and someone up there had other plans for me and my baby! No matter how early someone loses a baby that baby will stay in your heart alway! 😢 I love you angel baby and I'll never for get you! ❤️👼🏼 here's my story in pictures 🌠 
My tests! 😊👶🏻
My first scan (amniotic sac) was all we could see 😍
Scan number two you can see my baby at the top of the sac and the little black dot is its little heart beating ❤️👶🏻
The night my world came crashing down me in hospital with my IV in case I need a blood transfusion 😢 the day my baby became and Angel 👼🏼