Cramping .. 2 days late .. scared nervous someone please help.

Took 5 tests. All came back pregnant had my blood drawn 2 days ago my Dr wasn't in today so I'll have to wait and find out tomorrow. I'm having really bad cramping like period cramps I'm emotional my right boob is so tender and my back hurts every now and then. I'm exhausted no matter how much sleep I get i'm 2 days late for my period but sometimes I'm like that but not all the time.

I have so much planned out I even started making my registry with neutral stuff trying to stay ahead of the game so I'm not to overwhelmed. This is my first baby (if I'm pregnant which everyone says I am). Even my boyfriend he said it just hasn't hit me yet. I'm not trying to let it hit me or for me to get my hopes up. Heard the first trimester is the scariest for miscarriage wise. Which I keep stressing about everytime I get a cramp or a pain I'm like yup my periods coming :(

I hope I don't wake up tomorrow with my period or bleeding heard it's ok to cramp as long as there's no blood just scares me so much I literally just wanna break down and cry I want these results and this to work out so bad I wanna be a mommy and I told my parents my bf told his parents and I had to tell my job due to use of chemicals.

Also if I am I did the pregnancy due date tracker I'd be due around 9/26/16