He's finally here!

Victoria • 22;; Single momma;; January 19, 2016❤
I must say, he is the most perfect human being I have ever laid my eyes upon. I came in at 7:30 a.m. to be induced. They started me on pitocin at 8:30 and finally broke my water around 1:00. I had two doses of fentanyl before I couldn't take the contractions anymore. I got my epidural at 3:30, which only really worked on my right half, but that was okay. We had to use the vacuum and he was finally born at 4:48 p.m. 😍 Mr. Asher Lorenz weighed 7lb 3oz and measured 21 inches long. Full head of black hair just like mommy had ❤ He is absolute perfection. Happy birthday, baby boy.