Keeping my fingers crossed


My partner n I have 11yr old twin boys. Thru the yrs since we've TTC again w out much luck.

Last April we were pleasantly surprised 2 find out we were expecting just 2 miscarry a mo later.

@ this point I'd pretty much given up n decided that maybe it wasn't in the cards 4 us.

I've been tracking my cycle 4 about a yr now. My average cycle is 27 days (between 26-29 days @most). I'm currently @day 32 n 5 days late according 2 the app, which has been incredibly accurate since I started using it..

I think I'm feeling my usual PMS symptoms but it's never this late! Hoping n praying that I'm not just getting my hopes up, I promised myself I'd wait till tomorrow 2 take a test bc it'd b silly 2 waste the money. Besides, it won't ease my anxiety if it comes up negative until my period starts anyway. Plus I'm a little nervous bc I miscarried last time.

So IG I'm just here asking 4 good vibes n prayers.

Might b it this time ladies!! Wish me luck!