Bleeding! Help

I've had 2 miscarriages 2010, 2014.

Neither which I was trying to get pregnant. My boyfriend of 4 years and I have been trying for 5 months. No success. Ive taken at least pregnancy test every month just hoping. (My previous pregnancies I found out early like 4-5 weeks) so I always have one to take just in case. Well about 12 days ago I started bleeding, thinking it wasn't time for my period since its only be a wk since I got mine last. Its usually pretty normal. Always last 6 days. But I hadn't had a positive test result, so I bought one and it was negative. I'm starting to think I miscarried again, but I'm so scared to go thru that again and hear them words, "I'm so sorry but you are no longer pregnant" but I'm soaking thru too many pads. First time I had to get a D&C, second time I did not. Will it be harmful if I just let my body heal on its own like it did the second time? I don't think I can't make it thru another miscarriage! I'm afraid I will go thru a deeper depression than I did with the first 2 especially since we are really trying. Right now I don't think it has really hit me that I could be going thru my 3rd one!