I'm scared to breastfeed...

Jen • Newlywed; Nurse; Future Mommy
I am going to be a first-time mom in early August 2016. I have made the decision that I would like to breastfeed my child, if possible. (My husband was a poor feeder and had to be bottle fed. And, my mother decided on formula for me. I will be the first in my family to try to breastfeed.) 
I am so scared to breastfeed because of the social stigma that goes along with it...I iust watched a social experiment on YouTube (https://www.facebook.com/JoeySalads/videos/549083008591884/) and am now terrified. I plan on using a large scarf/cover while I nourish my baby in public and a private area isn't available...But I'm still terrified of being ridiculed...Anyone have any advice/opinions?