TTC with new job


My husband and I were officially married in April of 2015 with our ceremony occurring in September. Since September we haven't been using preventative methods with actively paying attention to my cycle and ovulation since December to try for a baby. In December I also took a new job that relocated us to the state that we are from where our families are (though 2-3 hours away from the family).

One of my coworkers is quite a bit older than I am and very old fashioned with thinking that women need to have children before they're too old. She will make this comment in front of my boss, who's response is "she better not be having babies any time soon." I know it is none of their business regarding my reproduction desires or whether I am trying or not, but the comments from my boss make me nervous about how it will be received if I were to find out I'm pregnant within the next few months.

Has anyone else experienced this? I don't want to put off trying to have kids just because of a career. I don't plan on leaving my job to be a stay at home mom, nor do I find the prospect of a lengthy maternity leave appealing. I am an ambitious woman that wants to work her way up in a company, but I also want to be a mom.