Anyone have this

Alisha • Been ttc for bout a year found this stuff called pregnitude and I`ve taking it since Christmas along with prenatals
My period doesn't start till the 25/26 and my boobs have been so sensitive like I can barely do anything without them hurting and I've never noticed my boobs hurting this bad before my period. And I'm ttc my third c section baby. I've noticed I've been really sensitive too like my husband asked my what all we came to the store for and I just blew up then later I was like fine idk. But I feel very moody. I haven't taking a test yet because I don't wanna get my hopes brought down but my husband thinks I should that way if it's negative we can try new things next month what should I do and what do u ladies think?? My ovulation day was the tenth and I got busy that day lol and most of my fertile week I used pregnitude and prenatals dr put me on the prenatals thanks in advance