
S • First time mom
Hi everyone... Just wanted to write something down so that I feel a little better... Of late I've been feeling very low😒... I'm a first time mom n staying away from my country... 
My mother in law is here to help me out for six months... But things don't seem to work between us... Sometimes I just think it's post partum time n I'm moody... Or sometimes I feel she is actually very unreasonable... She seems to b pointing mistakes in me all d time... I miss my mom soooooo much... Just wish sometimes that I wake up d next day beside her....
My baby is on formula as she was in nicu for few days n wud just not latch after that...I tried with pumping but somehow my milk dried I don't kno...😟...
She keeps accusing me of not having tried ...
But I know how much I wanted to breastfeed my baby...
Sometimes things just don't work...😕.... 
I just wish my baby gains weight now...she is on similac neosure....Â