Sharp pains

Ahrrianna • I'm Ahrrianna & 28. Married 10 yrs. Have 4 beautiful kids on the way! IG: quinncharger15
So even though this is my 3 baby and my last one was born 2012 I still don't remember what feels like what and when to be worried or what not lol
Anyways I've been getting mild sharp pains very so often in both sides of my lower abdomen...I had my 6 month check up last week and baby is already really low so dr was asking about feeling pressure and cramping and all I've noticed befor that was the pressure but as of yesterday I been having the sharp pains...
Is it Braxton? Doctor told me not to worry about going in unless cramps/contractions last for more then 2 hours and so far that's not the case 
So I'm just wondering what it is that I'm feeling haha