How likely?

Jam • Wife • 4/5/20 Ellie-Mae ♥️
I'm not asking anyone to tell me if I could be pregnant (I hate seeing those posts as much as you do) but I'm just curious how likely it'd be for a woman to ovulate right after her period?
 My last period came about 10 days late and I thought I might've been pregnant, but I wasn't. Then in the middle of my period when it was really light my husband and I had sex and he said the condom broke. 
I wasn't worried though, even if I did happen to get pregnant it wouldn't be a big deal. 
Now ever since my last period I've been having lots of digestive problems. Bloating, gas, random sharp pain in my abdomen etc. 
And I've been feeling really anxious and emotional. I've had problems with anxiety and depression before but I've been very happy the past year so it's strange to be feeling like that again. 
I'd honestly be so happy if I was pregnant, but I don't want to get my hopes up.
So if it's possible I could've ovulated early at least I can try and be more careful till I know for sure.