Trying to be Logical here

🦖Meg🦕 • It’s time, I am ready. After several miscarriages, one ectopic & finally one pregnancy that made it to term. We have waited a few years before even thinking about it. Now We are ready! TTC for #2.
I have lived through my worst nightmare and it would kill me to have it happen again. I am ttc baby #1. In that process I've had an ectopic. So I am aware that puts me at a higher risk of another. So I'm on Clomid; yes I do get the ruptured cysts and last night I experienced pain on my left side lower abdominal areas as if one was/had burst. All this just before I went to bed. I woke up just fine. No after pain that leaves me sore when it happens. I feel just fine. My friend brought up the fact that it could be my worst nightmare. I'm at a loss on what to think or do. Any comments would be appreciated.