Negetive test and late period

Four days before my period I took a pregnancy test, one test was defective and the one negetive. Anyway my period was due on the 18th and still nothing, I have no sore boobs, no symptoms of pregnancy (as per me) I have mild cramping which comes and goes. I'm 4 days late now, and told my hubby, he suggested I wait atleast another week before I test. So so so anxious, I've been wearing a pad everyday coz I really was expecting a period, I've even been waking up all throughout the night to check. There is a female doc just 5 minutes walk from our house, I wanted to just go to her surgery and test so I know and end this anxiety, but hubby thinks that's not a good idea and he doesn't want me getting a negetive result and then walking back alone all sad. This wait game is killing me!