I started feeling cramps around 12 midnight and then they progressed to 5 mins apart by 2:30, then 3...

I started feeling cramps around 12 midnight and then they progressed to 5 mins apart by 2:30, then 3 mins apart by the time I got to the hospital at 3:45ish. I was 4 cm then, and then I progressing really fast to 10 cm. from 10 cm it took 19 minutes of pushing and he was here! I delivered him at 5:54. 
Beautiful baby Jacob, so content and so sweet to his mama. Weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and 21 inches long. Was hungry as soon as he was born and latched on to feed without hardly any help. Smart boy who follows your voice and looks around just after being born. Amazing baby boy couldn't ask for a better overall experience. 
Hardly any bad pregnancy symptoms the whole 9 months.
Maybe I got 2 stretch marks not even a inch in length!
I had a healthy appetite the whole pregnancy. 
And labor was a breeze compared to what it could have been! 
I was only in the hospital experiencing painful contractions for 2 hours or less before I was 10 cm and ready to push and he came out in only 19 minutes from 10cm!!!! Amazing baby he's gonna be so good to his mommy. He even has the same birthmark on his shoulder as I do. I never wanna forget anything about this day!!
The nurses delivered my baby and doctor delara stitched me up. Mom and Steven were such a great support for me. I didn't have to deal with my doctor at all whom I don't like much, so it was such a blessing that he came when he did. I think the nurses did a fantastic job. Absolutely loved this experience. Loved everything about this last 9 months and I can't wait to continue on now with the baby in my arms! I love you Jacob 😙