Clomid with PCOS

Blair • 26 years old. PCOS. TTC 2 years. 1st round clomid 1/22/16!

Hello all,

This is my first experience with fertility assistance. I found out I had PCOS 3 years ago. My SO and I have been ttc for almost 2 years. After unsuccessful multiple drilling in October my Gyn. had me take Provera to induce my period. I'm on CD3 snd start my first round of clomid CD5. I've done so much reading and googling, but I just don't feel as though I know enough about what to expect, or tips and tricks. Having PCOS I have no cycles to compare anything to. I feel like I don't know my body at all and am rediscovering myself for the first time. Looking for some insight. TYIA :)