So many complications so early...

Hi all! According to my lmp I should be about 8 weeks. Last ultrasound showed a little bean measuring 6 weeks 2 days. I have long irregular cycles and no idea when I ovulated so I'm not too worried about that. I have been spotting for 3 weeks and started with the bleeding episodes 9 days ago. Usually short and not enough to fill a pad in a day or even 3. ER found a subchorionic hemorrhage which my doc said is healing. So again, not too worried. My hcg is going up very slowly but still going up. Taking about 6 days to rise 50% and has been that way since we started checking levels. I've had 4 ultrasounds already and with each we're showing growth and progress. First an empty sac, then a yolk, then a bean and hematoma and 2 days later a slightly bigger bean and healing hematoma. Still have not heard a heartbeat and am scheduled for another us next Tuesday. My symptoms hold very strong and my gut feeling is telling me this baby is just being stubborn but all is well. If you guys don't mind, will you please say a small prayer for my baby that we will hear that beautiful heartbeat next week, my bleeding will stop, and mama can have much more enjoyable stress free healthy pregnancy. This is number 4 for me and the first time I've ever gone through any of this. Sorry for the long post but i needed to get it all out there as I still haven't announced my pregnancy and am facing this alone with my hubby. Thanks for reading ladies.