Hepatitis A (Dont just read pls help)

This is probably a question i shouldnt ask because maybe no one ever had it here. But ill go ahead and ask just in case..

Do any of yall ever been told you have Hepatitis A? Im 14 weeks tomorrow and on some blood work i had done it came out saying i had it (yiikeesss) im really scared never in my life i've had something like this before 😞 i tried asking one of the nurses more about it and she said no need to worry that it would go away on its own and that it was not contagious.. Today i talk to a different nurse asking her the same questions and she said i needed to be careful and no sharing cups or anything i use with anyone she scared the hell out of me i have kids she said i need to be really careful not to get them sick. I also asked about sexual contact and she put me on hold just to come back and said she wansnt sure about that and she was gonna get further info and call me back like wtf really what kind of nurse tells you she doesnt know about that..

I've read online some websites says sexual contact should not be a problem other websites say a whole different thing. Who should i believe if not even my doctor knows 😭 im just crying and crying because im scared because i dont wanna get my kids or partner sick 💔 i dont know what to do.

Sorry for the long ass post ladies i seriously need help from someone or anyone that knows about this type of virus (Hepatitis A) pleaseeee share with me all i can do is cry my eyes out 😭😞 is it gonna go away on its own do i really need to stay away from everyone 😞

Hopely someone can help me or give me some advice i really need it right now as my nurses and doctor are crap.