Any weight loss tips please?

Hey ladies 
I am 21 years old and last May I stopped using the depo provera injection as I wanted my periods to regulate again and to stop using birth control for a while. Over the past year I have gained around 15lbs and since I have stopped taking the shot my periods have been irregular and my hormones have gone wild, eg, facial hair, sore swollen breasts and increase in appetite, depression, mood swings and also fatigue the list goes on...
I am now still gaining weight and struggling to lose it. I was wondering if any of you ladies have gone through anything similar? I was always a size 10-12 but now I am 11st almost which is not healthy for me. 
Has anyone got any tips for losing this weight fast as it is causing me serious body confidence issues and no matter how many times my boyfriend says I am beautiful I won't believe it until I've lost the weight.
Thanks xx