Would you consider this a lie?

Ok so 3 times in the 2 years the hubby and I have been together, I asked him where he got this Eeyore stuffed animal that he has sitting on his desk in his office. The first time he said "I don't know", the second time he said "no one", the third time he said "I don't know". I always thought there was something to it and tonight we were going through some stuff and we found a pic of a girl he had slept with in the past (and that he still talks to because they are just "friends") with the Eeyore. I asked him if it came from her and he said yes. I know it isn't a big deal but I do not like that he didn't just tell me the 3 times I asked him and he will not admit that he lied. He is saying that it isn't a lie and yellling at me because I called him a lier. Am I out of line for thinking this is a lie? I just wonder what else he hasn't told me. :/

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