Anyone else experience absurd nurses??

 I had an ultra sound at supposedly 5 weeks (in result of cramping-no bleeding)-- they couldn't see anything and I was told to have my blood drawn and another ultrasound two weeks later. 
 I went in for my "7 week" ultrasound and they still couldn't see anything in the sac- even vaginaly. 
 The first week of my last period I was bleeding...and I didn't even ovulate until the week after. So in reality I believe I'm two weeks (give or take) behind what they say. But they insist I'm 7 weeks. 
In the same appointment they say my hcg levels have "sky-rocketed"- then the ultrasound tech tells me my levels aren't raising enough...
 The nurse then tells me that nothing is growing and I can have the sac removed or wait for more stomach pains or hemorrhaging.... 
When I reminded her how they initially told me not to expect seeing anything until the 8th-9th week she then told me they should see something by 6 weeks....
Ultimately the nurses contradict themselves and leave me in tears over what to believe.
And of course the doctor is out of town.
Any comfort from those with similar experiences?